Study time in the library: books, teapots, bookshelves, natural light and quiet time.,Ma 'am?,Al-Maktab,newspaper,Gestreifter pulli.,Sarwal Asud,Focus up.,Bücher,. Table,三通,.Have a drink,Yes, the brush.,Feder,Too bucherregalen.,Bücher,Daylight.,DAF,Free,Joe laughs.,在,r yk a f y f

Study time in the library: books, teapots, bookshelves, natural light and quiet time.

Ma 'am?Al-MaktabnewspaperGestreifter pulli.Sarwal AsudFocus up.Bücher. Table三通.Have a drinkYes, the brush.FederToo bucherregalen.BücherDaylight.DAFFreeJoe laughs.r yk a f y f